Is There a Skunk in Your Tent? How to Navigate Workplace Culture Without Getting Sprayed
While working at a camp one summer many years ago, I stayed at Davidson River Campground in Pisgah Forest. I had a brand-new tent, and that evening, I was cozy inside it, reading “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by the light of my headlamp. I remember that detail vividly because the cover boldly stated, “Don’t Panic" a piece of advice that would soon feel incredibly relevant.
What Two Days in 1986 Can Teach Us About Why Leaders Must Listen
Leadership isn’t about always having the right answers. It’s about creating an environment where the right answers can emerge. The biggest mistakes—the ones that change industries, cost lives, and leave organizations scrambling—rarely happen because no one saw the problem coming. They happen because the people who did see the problem weren’t heard.
Before you focus on making the “right” decision, ask yourself this: Is my team comfortable speaking up? The moment communication closes, small failures go unaddressed, and when small failures go unaddressed, they grow into major ones.
Embracing "Why Not" Thinking: Lessons from the Production of JAWS
The production of "Jaws," Steven Spielberg’s 1975 blockbuster, is a legendary tale of innovation, problem-solving, and resilience. The movie's behind-the-scenes story offers a compelling study of "Why Not" thinking—a mindset that embraces creativity, collaboration, and the willingness to tackle problems head-on.